Seven extremely easy ways
for leaders to F#CK UP.....

.....and how to make sure you won't.

Available very soon!

Say thanks to your people when things turn out well.
Blame yourself when they don’t.
Find your personal hidden traps. 
Use my practical, plain and simple plan to grow.
Become a most respected leader.

Say thanks to your people when things turn out well.
Blame yourself when they don’t.
Find your personal hidden traps. 
Use my practical, plain and simple plan to grow.
Become a most respected leader.

Allow me to help you.

Here's why leaders fail (and why you should care)

If you want to find out what the key competencies are indispensable in a specific role or job,
you should look at what it is that make people fail in that job. Once you have a clear view
of the most important causes for failure, it is obvious, in reverse, what those important
competencies are.

Research (on over 10.000 leaders in the past 20 years), learned that:

* 90% of all leadership failure is caused by only three characteristics;

* more or less than 9% out of the other 10% is caused by four (other) characteristics;

* I met only two (two!!) leaders, that did NOT posess any of these risk-features.

The unconvenient truth therefore is that you are most likely NOT a natural born
leader (just like me by the way, which at least creates a bond right?)

Now, what are we dealing with here? Meet the seven deadly sins of leadership:

1. Avoiding Conflicts (not being able to take position and fight for it when required)

2. Deafness (as a result of a lack of empathy)

3. Arrogance (a lack of self-criticism)

4. Indecision (unable to make choices when you should)

5. Non-conformism (leaving plans and made upon agreements too easy)

6.  Ineffectiveness (lack of a clear focus on result)

7. Solo-ism (when thinking you can do it all by yourself)

It’s always easier to look at somebody else, so take a close look at that
one leader or manager who (with all do respect) just S#CKS!
I bet he or she fits in this picture perfectly.

But be honest: Is there any reason to believe that nobody is assessing
you right now? And if somebody does, what does one see?

Seven 'Key' Competences for Leadership:

In reverse, as a leader you should have or develop the next seven qualities 
(consider the first three impossible to delegate):

1. Take position

2. Listen well

3. Look in the mirror

4. Make a decision

5. Stick to the plan

6.  Focus on results

7. Do it together

Makes sense? Allow me to help you!

With a practical, plain and simple plan:

At the end of this year (2019) my book “Seven extremely easy ways for leaders to F#CK UP
and how to make sure you won’t!” will be released. In this book I will explain
(in a more diplomatic way and in detail) why these seven issues are so extremely
important for leaders and managers.

But even more important: I will tell you how to cope with each of the issues, to become
more competent tomorrow, then you might be by nature. And doing so,
I’ll guide you towards becoming a most respected leader. 

With an online talent-assessment:

We developed an online talent-assessment tool to help you find out what’s up with you.
In order to know where you should pay attention to, and where there’s room
for improvement. Note, that this is not ‘just another little test’.
This is serious business. 

A good assessment is not necessarily fun to do. When it’s really good it pulls
you out of your comfort zone or steps into it. This one is very good,
so be warned. But hé, ‘no pain no gain’ right? 

And still, your investment will be only €395,- (ex. VAT)

Do you want to know what’s up with you, and do you have the guts for a close and
critical look in the mirror? Do you want to know how this could add value
to your organization? Give us a call (or send us an e- mail).


With a motivating key-note at your seminar:

Do you want me to contribute to your own leadership seminar? 
Just give me a call (or send me an e-mail) and let’s find out what’s possible. 

Contact us: |  +31 (0) 38 422 788

Very welcome to get linked on:
